Singer PSW 2.0 2 day seminar- May 2nd and 3rd!


Mark May 2nd and 3rd 2009 and come to our 2 day Singer PSW 2.0 digitizing seminar in Salisbury, MD.

Learn to use this wonder machine embroidery software. This will probably be our last PSW 2.0 seminar. We have rented a classroom at the Elk’s in Salisbury, MD. You will need your software installed in your laptop to enjoy this hands on experience.

I will cover the basic program, auto digitizing, manual digitizing, lettering, applique, lace work, multi-hoop designs, continuous hooping and editing. Learn how fringe is made, make a 3-D design, plan out a very large design and see how we recommend stitching it out. The seminar is filled with creative ideas, excercises and demonstrations.

Enroll now! The seminar is only $169.99 and includes a complete CD filled with notes and video’s so you can remember all the classroom lessons after class is over.

If you have taken this seminar in the past make a note in the comments of our on-line order form and we will give you the seminar for only $99.00. That includes 2 days of lunch and the CD.

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