Singer sewing machines celebrates 160 years. You can share your Singer story with Singer by going on line to the Singer web site. Talk about how you grew up with Singer or the machine you learned to sew on or your first Singer.
I have been associated with Singer for 39 years. I went to work for Singer as an educator in 1982. Today I am a Singer dealer and sell machine, software and parts. My very first machine was a Singer Featherweight that I inherited from my mom when she purchased a Touch and Sew. I have owned a 920 Futura, the Athena 2000, the 6268 Ultra unlimited, the XL1000, The XL 6000 and the EU. Today I sew on the Futura XL400 and love it. I have also used a 14U32, 34, 64, and 14T967 from the serger line. Each machine has really inspired  me with new sewing features and I look forward to many more years of sewing on my Singer.
Here are some links to our sewing photos and old fashioned Singer sewing Machine photos.
Jenny’s Sewing Studio