- I just joined LinkedIn and created my professional profile. Join my network. http://t.co/QNlzeL3e #in #
- Here is the embroidery link! Jenny http://t.co/4gKcl0C3 #
- I am posting a free frame embroidery design on my video gallery for you to download.
Jenny http://t.co/4ZEmJ0ng # - Here is the video for the hyperfont http://t.co/IP7ycDIk #
- I have also created a brand new video for the Futura using the hyperfont, Editing and Auto Punch software options. http://t.co/IAufpfP4 #
- Here is a video on how to thread your Futura.
Jenny http://t.co/knsF2sG5 # - Here is a video on Futura troubleshooting. Jenny http://t.co/8syGd8w7 #
- Singer has an excellent video on stabilers and how to hoop. Jenny http://t.co/FXP89qZo #
- Here is more from Singer. Jenny http://t.co/kC4nCdka #
- Wow, Singer has some new video on the Futura. Jenny http://t.co/7TLFjitq #
- I uploaded a @YouTube video http://t.co/d2GROcJx Singer XL400 hyperfont, editing and autopunch monograms.mp4 #