I found that if I take a square of stabilized fabric to fit the machine hoop and embroider it in the middle, I can create a wonderful embroidered applique’ using Wonder Under. When I use the Wonder Under and trace the applique’ shape on the rough side of the fusible webbing using a permanent marker, I can bond the Wonder Under to the wrong side of the applique’. The marker will leave trace line I can cut out. I now have a fusible patch I can bond to a back ground fabric.
Here is an embroidered heart quilt I created a few years ago. I used decorative stitches to decorate the edges of each applique’. Fuse and Tear is a great stabilizer for the embroidery and applique. It gives the right firmness to the fabric background for you to sew any decorative or zig-zag stitch you wish to use. You can create many unique appliques this way. Add crystals, lace and ribbon. I have included my pattern so you can try the hearts applique’.