Home Decor

Home Decorating Basics– Beginners welcome!  Learn to put in a zipper and make a piped pillow, try a cording foot. This class will give you some skills to use in projects you make for the home. Bring   1 ¼” yard of a pillow fabric, matching thread and prepackaged piping if you are a beginner. You will also need a 24 “ or 22″ all purpose polyester zipper to make your 16” piped pillow. Purchase a pillow form for a 16″ pillow.   Also bring your machine and zipper foot. Class will last 3 hours. You should know how to use a sewing machine. If not take machine instruction classes first. 

If you have some sewing experience you can make your own bias and cover cord. You will need 2 yds of 5/32” cord or find Hobby Lobby piping cord 753749 3.2mm 18 ft.  Please enroll for class from 1:30 to 4:30pm. Tell me the day you wish the class and I will try to accommodate.

Classes can be scheduled any free day from 1:30 to 4:30pm.

Here are the pillow project instructions!

