Jenny’s new home!

friedels.jpgTuesday and Thursday are my offical moving dates to my new home in Salisbury, MD on Schumaker Drive. I took some pictures to show you my new room and the home. This summer I clearly preformed a miracle by selling or giving away or throwing away most of my furniture, house hold effects and my sewing room. I fit it all into a 10′ X 10″ room, an 8 foot closet and a garden shed. A few things went to the store and were sold to make room. I can not begin to tell you how free I feel not having all that stuff. I could not believe I got all my clothing in the closet. You will see the desk where I will sew and use the computer. I got my parents the new Comcast triple play so we will be wired by Thursday and they will have more TV than they can watch. TV will be in 4 rooms of the house including mine. I still have to move in my bureau and easy chair and then I am set. See the new quilt my mom helped me make. She is becoming the serger expert with the “Quick Trip” quilt top.

Now I have to work on my Mom and all her collections. We have melted most things into my parent’s home so that you can not tell I just moved in. Here are the pictures!











































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