Lettering on style

Lettering with your embroidery machine is probably the most popular embroidery design done. Everyone wants good monograms, the ability to write a verse, do a banner, make a label or personalize an item. That is probably why you bought your embroidery machine, isn’t it?

Jenny’s Sewing Studio sells a lot of different lettering  programs.  My favorite at this time is Stitch & Sew lettering.

Stitch & Sew offers a stand alone program at a great value. You can buy the lettering with 70 fonts or 35 fonts.  To see our font lists please go to the free information under Stitch N Sew in our photo gallery. I have a 35  font link and a 70 font list.

Brother programs come with a text editor. Use the editor to create word shapes, resize, add texture, outline the letter, change color and more. I have a brand new video to show you the basic of the lettering program.

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