Make a zipper bag

One of my students is making these lined zipper bags. This is a nice project for a beginner sewer. Here are some pictures of the process.

Step 1: Fuse fusible fleece to the back of your purse body fabric. If the fleece does not fuse well make sure you apply the iron to both side of the fabric for 10 seconds in each spot as you fuse. You may have to quilt the body and the fleece fabrics together like I did in this picture.

Step 2: After the fabric was prepared with fusible Fleece  I cut  out 2 pieces for the bag. They measure approximately 9 1/2″ X 7 1/2″ and I cut a 1 1/4″ square out at the bottom 2 corners so I have a guide to box the corners when completing the zipper bag.  2  lining pieces were also cut to match the fashion fabric.

Step 3: I used a zipper longer then the bag top so I did not have to worry sewing around the pull. I will trim the zipper later as I construct the bag.  Center the zipper and place right side of zipper to the right side of the bag top edge. Sew the zipper to the top edge of the bag. Once you finish one side, do the other  side as shown in the picture.

Step 4: Take the top edge of the lining and place it right side together to the top edge of the bag, encasing the zipper and sew in place from the zipper side. Do this on both sides.

Step 5: Fold one fashion fabric and 2 lining out of the way and top stitch the folded top edge of the zipper to the fashion fabric. Do this on both sides.

Step 6: Once the zipper has been top stitched to the fashion fabric, Open the zipper so the pull tab is inside the bag and you have enough room to turn the bag through the zipper. Fold the zipper ends toward the bag and pin them in position. Pin the fashion fabric together and continue to pin the lining together. When you sew, leave a hole at the bottom of the lining so you can turn the bag. Do not sew the cut outs. Sew around the outer edges of the bag. I reinforce the zipper as I sewed over it with a reverse so I could cut off the excess zipper tape.  Before you turn the bag, box the corners on the bag itself and on the lining using a 1/4″ seam. Sew the corners together. Turn the bag to finish.