Sewers Tote back pattern

Free pattern to use with our pre-quilt fabrics are now available.


Sewing tote Instructions:
¾ yard of reversible quilted fabric
5/8 yard of matching print fabric for bias
2″ piece of Velcro or snaps or a large button
1 ½” yd of ¼” cording
12″ zipper
One 18″ x 36″ piece of reversible quilted fabric for body
Cut one trim piece 3 ½” X 45″
Cut 2 – 5″ wide X 32″ long handles. Fold raw edges to center and in half and top stitch to finish.
Cut 1 pocket pieces 11″ X 36″
Cut 1 pocket pieces 11″ X 18″

Cut pieces of coordinating fabric into 4- 1 1/2″ bias strips and piece them together in 2 sets. Make piping with each set by covering the cord with bias.
And cut 1 -2″ bias strip. Press in edges and press in half to form the closure. The length of the finished closure is 10″. Top stitch the closure edges to hold the fold.
Pocket 1:
Using the 2″ bias turn one edge under ¼” and top stitch the hem in place. Pick the pocket 11″ x 18″. Trim the pocket piece with the 2″ bias by placing right side of the pocket to the right side of the bias. Stitching the bias to the top and bottom long edge, using the width of the presser foot as a guide for the seam allowance. Press the bias over the seam allowance and stitch in the ditch on the right side to finish. Position the pocket on one side of the tote body 4″ from the top edge and 3″ from the bottom fold and stitch the pocket in place to 3 sides. Divide the pocket into 3 sections 6″ wide and stitch the divisions.
Pocket 2:
Serge or zig-zag the pocket edges to finish the edges. Using the pocket draw a placket rectangle 4″ down from one short edge and 7″ X ½” in size. Position the pocket right sides together on the tote. Make sure the top edge of the tote and pocket meet and the pocket is centered 3″ from each edge. Sew around the placket rectangle and overlap the stitching. Carefully slash the inside of the placket and cut to each corner and turn the pocket through the hole. Press the hole open. Top stitch hole to hold it in place. Position the zipper in the opening and top stitch in place. Fold both the inside and outside edges of the pocket so the edges align with the top of the tote. Before you sew the sides, trim the inside pocket top edge so it is 3″ from the top to reduce bulk and pin in position. Finish the pocket by sewing the side seams to close the inside pocket and stitch the pocket top to the tote top edge.
Serge a finished edge around body of tote bag pieces. Sew the side seams and bottom of the tote with a ½” seam. On one side divide the top edge in half and sew the closure right sides together to the top edge. The handles are stitched to both sides at the top edge 7″ to 8″ apart at the center. Sew the piping to each long edge of the trim piece. Sew the piped trim piece to the top of the bag wrong side to right side and fit it at one side seam. Press the trim to the right side and top stitch in the ditch of the piping edge. Make sure to fold the piping raw edge under.

Finish bottom edge
To box the bottom of the tote, turn the bag inside out. Fold the lower corners of the bag into triangles, matching side seams to bottom seams to form 2′ bag bottom, stitch and trim.tote

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