Use your Serger to Make this Great Ruffled Purse at Jenny’s Sewing Studio

serger purse 2You can make this beautiful ruffled purse in class at Jenny’s Sewing Studio.  The purse will require you to edge your fabric strips with the 3/4 spool serger. I used the narrow rolled hem and wooly nylon to decorate the edge of my ruffles with the serger. Next I used the gathering foot with the serger or with the sewing machine to add fullness to the strips and finally the sewing machine to top stitch the gathered ruflles in place. I love the look of this purse. This is a great project for you to practice your serger skills. You should already know how to thread your serger to take this class.

See you in class at Hancock fabrics. Here are the dates and information. Call 410 677 3461 to enroll.

Ruffled Serger Purse
Using your serger and a sewing machine you will be able to create this beautiful serger purse! You can purchase the “Serger Satchel” pattern from Jenny for $10.00 and Jenny will provide a sewing machine for you to use in class if you need one. You provide the serger and threads. You will need: 12- 2 1/2″ strips, they can be all the same fabric or varied like the sample displayed. (! yard) and 2 yards for purse base, lining, bias trim, handles and ties. Also one 1/2 yard of Fusible Fleece and a contrast thread for your serger trim plus thread to sew the bag.

Only 3 students per class. $40.00
Saturday October 19th 10-4:30
Tuesday October 29th 10-4:30

serger purse

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