Learning to Sew

domesticgodessamzingdesignsGetting ready to sew is very important. Take time to consider your sewing room and the equipment you are going to use. One of the things I cover with beginner sewers are some of the essential sewing equipment like a small hand seam gauge, tape measure, scissors, markers, pins, needles and a seam magnetic gauge.

Learn to sew at Jenny’s Sewing Studio. Learn to thread your machine, use the straight stitch to make a 5/8″ and 1/4″ seam. Next make a pin cushion, make a zipper bag and then take time to measure so you pick the right size pattern. We will send the rest of the class making a project using a commercial pattern. When you finish you should know how to layout a pattern, cut out your pattern and mark the sewing guides. We will construct the project from start to finish by reading the guide sheet.

Singer has made several video to help you discover the basics.