Since I have turned 60 I have become nostalgic. With the holidays approaching I pulled out these pictures of Christmas past. I am sharing some funny pictures of me as a little girl. Of course I (Jenny) was a cowgirl and my brother (Gerald) was right there with me as a cowboy. I am guessing we were about 2 and 3 years old and the year was 1953 or 1954. We have just received our cowboy outfits and I remember my brother had received a record and player with Roy Rogers and “cowboys do not cry”. See the train? I still remember sitting for this photo.
 Also below is a picture of my brother hanging up his guns and hat that night on his crib. It is amazing how times have changed. We were so innocent with the guns and the caps.
I still enjoy a good cowboy movie and watch the western channel along with HGTV and Project Runway.
I have also included some other child photos of my brother and myself to preserve in my blog. (I was 11months older)