Planning a luncheon Tea at Jenny’s

The Tea Party idea all started when I visited a friend of mine and she had a beautiful teapot collection.  I said wouldn’t it be nice to have a luncheon tea for my mom’s 95th birthday party! The idea was born and I have been planning ever since. I started a tea party Pinterest folder to hold the ideas I find.

The day to have the tea was a given so I planned the invitation first.  I will invite 12 including my mom and me. I asked everyone to wear the Sunday best and explained it was an adult only occasion. Yes, we will serve alcohol. I picked a champagne cooler to make everyone feel good right away. 

The food is almost as important as the tea. My friends and I have decided on cream cheese, dill, lemon and cucumber sandwiches. I am also going to have chicken salad. A friend is making a birthday cake to celebrate 95 years.  Along with various nuts, chocolates, mints, pickles, olives, cheeses I think we will have a nice lunch. Everyone will be seated at the decorated table.

The tea I am going to serve will be 100% natural orange pekoe and pekoe cut black tea. I will pour hot tea. Each person can flavor with sugar and cream and lemon.  Guests will also have 2-3 tea choices to brew. The picture shows the organdy bags that hold the flavored tea that has been decorated as favors for each guest.

After we serve the cake and sing Happy Birthday, I though we would move to the living room to open presents and play a few games. I have a special door prize for a few lucky guests. I am going to make some pocket tea carriers for the purse similar to those on my blog. If I am lucky I will have my friend play his viola too.

The party will be fun and something mom can remember.


