Singer Futura Multi-Hooping


Jenny offers a one day seminar on how to use the embroidery software for the Singer Futura. Click this link for more information.

The  Singer Futura now has a positioning feature for perfect placement of your large embroidery.  In the software program under tools, you can set your parameters to align a single large hoop and multi-hooping.  If your design is larger than one hooping, the software will split the design into multi-hoops and aid you in alignment of the multi-hoopings. Make sure you watch the video!

If your design is bigger than the single hooping, the first time you send the design, the software will split it into 2 or 4 hooping. The software will ask if you want a multi-hoop. You will then have to pick the hoop size in tools. The size of one multi hoop can be about 9 1/2″ X 18″ finished. (Remember you can add another multi-hoop design to the first multi-hoop for even bigger design.

Hooping is much easier with the Futura. The clip on hoop has a spring expansion assist.  Set the hoop on the fabric once and then leave the setting in place. Pop the fabric in and out of the preset hoop. The hoop has the centers clearly marked. Tell me about your multi-hoop experience and technique.