Singer Futura seminar

Jeanniecrop Basic Singer Futura software and embroidery class!

Class will cover stabilizer, hooping and thread information, creating files, copy and paste, and saving designs for embroidery. Use the design browser, learn the draw program, use auto punch, and cover the lettering features. You will also cover how to position embroidery for one or more designs.

Class will be scheduled 1:30 pm till 4:30 pm. Materials provided include stabilizer, bobbin thread, needles, and practice materials. I will also make basics sewing supplies available like scissors, markers and pins so you do not have to bring them.

You will need a machine and a laptop. Make sure you bring all your software and try to have it all installed.  Please bring a thumb drive so files can be copied to the drive. Class will last 3 hours and we will cover as much information as possible in that time. If you have a specific request please email it ahead of the session.

Please make sure your sewing machine and laptop are functioning. This is not a repair session.

If you have taken a Futura class from me in the past and wish more instruction, contact me: and we will discuss how many hours and what you wish to review.

Please email me at with your Futura class request.  Leave me your full name, class you wish to take and your phone number, best time to call and email address. I would also like to know the Futura model you own and the operating system of your computer. You also can leave a message at 410-543 1212. When leaving a message speak slowly an clearly. I will only return your call if I understand the message. We will then talk and agree on an enrollment date and time. Policy are below. Please read. I will send you an enrollment payment request link. Once you pay your enrollment, you are officially registered.

Also visit my Futura video links, hints and tips plus my FAQ pages for help with your machine.

I will still be on-line and running my sewing blog and selling products for sewing and embroidery. I hope to hear from you and see you on-line in the future!



Any cancellation can be made within 24 hours. No refunds or rescheduling will be made after 24 hours. Exceptions  will be made for weather and sickness only if you contact me in advance.  I will give you my personal phone when you enroll so please do not attend if you are ill.  I will set a new appointment time asap. If 2 cancellations are made in a row by the same customer, fees will be forfeited. Remember, I have set aside the scheduled time just for you, I will call or email or text you to remind you about class, so be on time.

Thank you for your patronage over the last 41 years. I hope you will continue to shop at Jenny’s Sewing Studio on line and subscribe to our blog and newsletter.

Do not forget I still offer free sewing projects for you to try. A lot of the projects sewn in our classes over the years are now offered free. I will be adding projects from time to time to keep you interested in the sewing process. Follow our blog for more information. Remember sewing is the great stress reliever and a wonderful hobby.



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