Singer vintage TV commericals

singerstorefrontsingerchristmasIf you would like to remember back to when times were simple and TV was in it’s beginning years, take a look at some of these Singer vintage commericals. I placed the commerical links at the bottom of this artilcle. They really made me walk down memory lane. When I graduated from college as a home economist I went to work for Singer as an instructor.

Imagine when dealer could afford to offer all the perks like free  machine instruction and sewing classes. I remember my mom talking about going to the Singer store in Seaford Delaware to take a 12 week class on learning to sew and use her new Feather weight.


I worked for Singer in the 70’s and 80’s when Singer sold the touch and sew and the very first electronic Athena. The working environment was pretty creative with the Singer company. Singer was a powerful company that stood for innovation and the very best in sewing. I was proud to be a member of that team. When I openned Jenny’s Sewing Studio I tried to duplicate some of the marketing techniques I learned at Singer. Jenny’s  still offers classes for sewing and product knowledge. Jenny’s Sewing Studio even has a web site that is exclusively Singer. Our web site is

Singer presents actually introduced many well known artist. Burt Bacharach, Tony Bennett,  Elvis, Liza with a Z and Don Ho  were introduced by Singer on TV in the 1960’s and 70’s.


Singer had Stylemaker’s each summer. Girls ages 8 – 18 could enter and learn to sew and graduate with a fashion show. The fashions were judged and the winners garments were sent to a regional and nation contest level. Winners were sent to London and Paris! The winners went to the fashion capitols. Brand new sewing machines were awarded. It was all very exciting.

I remember names of many of my educational buddies at Singer. My favorites are long gone but their writing is still here! I taught “Tailoring” and “Knits” classes at Singer and also trained instructors for the Singer company. When you watch the commericals you will understand why I loved them. I hope you enjoy these internet finds as well. 51a52ibysvl__sl500_aa240_1 “Singer taught the world to sew.”

Commerical #1, Commerical #2, Commerical #3, Commerical#4

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