The Radiant Star Quilt by Eleanor Burns

Probably one of the most recognizable quilts is the Radiant Star. Probably one of the most difficult quilts to sew is the Radiant Star. Eleanor Burns has done her magic and produced a book to show you how you can make the star quilt in a strip pieced way that is time saving and much easier to produce.

I am offering a one day class on the Radiant Star quilt at Hancock’s In Salisbury, MD. This class is for the intermediate sewer or quilter as accuracy is required. We will do a 50″ Square quilt top. I found pressing the quilt with “Best Press” light starch spray works wonders for blocking the quilt and helps with the sewing as well. Hancock does sell “Best Press” spray.

I hope to see you in class on the dates listed below. We will pick 4 contrasting fabrics to create the star as a part of the class. If you have a fabric you like, bring it.

See you in class,


Jenny will help you coordinate the fabrics for your quilt.   We will spend time picking your fabric, doing a fabric paste up and cutting the strips and borders.  This is an easy rotary cutter star pattern. Use your 1/4″ foot and Jenny will supply the rulers to help you cut your diamonds in class. The Radiant Star book is required and can be supplied for purchase by Jenny’s Sewing Studio.  Class Fee- $50.00 (Fabrics extra)
Saturday  March 31st 10:00-4:30
Wednesday June 6th 10:00-4:30 

To enroll call Hancock Fabrics in Salisbury, MD at 410-677-3461

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