Corner Sanctuary – Pocomoke Community Garden flower arranging event August 20th

Thank you Kaye Thompson Schutt for leading the flower arranging demonstration with flowers from Corner Sanctuary-Pocomoke Community Garden and Thank You to Delmarva Discovery Center for providing an indoor space for the event. If you have not seen the community garden in Pocomoke, MD it is an effort of love shared by many gardeners. The garden brings many people from the community together to share the love of nature, harvest great produce and to beautify the city through flowers and vegetables.

My mom and I were invited by Kaye to attend a flower arranging class using a the bright and colorful flowers that were cut from the community garden. Kaye and other flower enthusiast also supplied tools, tables, greens and beautiful flowers for us to use. Kaye shared information on how to use soaked oasis and cut it for the container, how to use the container to determine the size and shape of the arrangement, how to pick colors and how to make a lovely arrangement. 

Thanks for the great class and the memory. It takes me back to when I first learned flower arranging in the Girl Scouts. The classes I took then were held by the Acorn Club in Seaford, Delaware. We did yule logs, wreaths and did some formal flower arranging. I always have loved flowers.