Have you been wanting to expand your embroidery font library? Compucon has an excellent lettering program that offers a font engine and extra fonts for monogram and decorative floral lettering. This is a font engine that allows the user to shape and edit the letters as they wish. Arc, rotate and add texture, create 2 color fill in your letters, manipulate each letter individually, even make lace letters. If you have Hyperfont or the complete studio you can also add to your font library for unlimited font function. Unlike the Futura program, with hyperfont and lettering options Compucon gives you a feature to add true type fonts permanetly to the font library. Compucon also gives you editing built in to the lettering program so you can change the texture of the lettering or outline it or change it’s shape. Another editing function that I like to use is the “ change font feature” found in editing. You can create a style and edit the lettering too.
So many ideas and so little time. Make a monogram and outline the letters with editing.
See a complete video on how the lettering program works. You can purchase the smaller 35 font option or the 71 font library option. Both options are will be great additions to your embroidery machine and the lettering created can be saved in almost any format for any make or model. Here are few more video links.