Things to help you stay sane during covid restrictions

I was sitting in a waiting room the other day getting my car fixed and a lady was telling me about her friend that lived out of state. Her friend was threatening suicide. The lady I was talking to was at her wits end to find a way to deal with the problem since travel right now is out of the question.

As a senior citizen during the past 7 months I have had to constantly adjust to make my life feel somewhat normal, even though at times life can feel really isolated. I know the covid distancing has made several of my friends depressed and lonely so I thought I would share some of my ideas that I am using to help me stay sane during this time. I am sure you have come up with ideas of your own.

1. Sewing and Quilting have really helped me focus on a creative project. Before the lock down I had 3 quilt clubs so at first, I tried to give them Zoom lessons. If they wanted to become involved they could follow me on Zoom and a power point presentation. That lasted about 3 months. It was hard work so when things “opened up” I offered classes at my home either “One on One” with a mask or students could come to sessions of about 3 or less to sew. It is working. I work to prepare lessons and have made a quilt with the students. If you would like to join our quilting fun, email me at and I will send you information about the lessons I offer.

2. Exercise is a way I use to put some routine in the day and in the week. If I am not going out in the morning I get up and exercise first thing.

3. Normal household cleaning is a good way to keep me focused on the day. Sounds silly but Monday is wash day, Tuesday is bathroom cleaning day, Wednesday is the floors, Thursday is the wash day for clothes…. Have you walked around wondering what day it was?

4. Yard work always takes one day a week. I cut the grass, garden and work in the great outdoors. Lately the mosquitoes are really messing with me, but I still like to take care of the flowers and yard. I will hate to see Winter come. Hopefully, I will be able to go for a walk by then. I am having back surgery in a few weeks and have been restricted to a walker until after I recover.

5. When the lockdown first happened, I would plan one car trip at least every other day. Now that restaurants are open, I try to plan one or 2 dinners or lunch out to “be with people”. I INVITE A FRIEND TO GO WITH ME.

6. Since the YMCA is open, I go to a pool class at least twice a week.

7. I sewed about 50 masks and gave most of them away to friends and family. I am making more masks now to replace the first ones I made. I think I have enough fabric stashed away to continue for a while.

8. I have taken up reading again after my mother passed away. It took a few months for me to get to that point, I am again enjoying reading.

9. I cleaned every closet in the house and will probably start on them again once the cold weather comes again.
10. I have several close friends who come over to play Mahjong or cards on a weekly basis.

11. I go to church on Sunday and I am helping with the church web site.

12. I also call my friend and family at least once every week to stay in touch.

It sounds like a pretty dull life, but I find that it is something I can manage. I wish we were freer to move around and enjoy all the things life has to offer but for now life is good and I am well. If you have any other ideas to offer, let me know and I will share them. I think we need to help each other during this time of public restrictions. Check on friends and family and make sure they are copeing.

I hope everyone stays safe!